Thursday, May 10, 2007

10 SEO Tips for Google, MSN, and Yahoo

My guess is that if you are looking at SEO articles you are a beginner to the subject. Here I will show ten easy ways to better optimize your site for search engines. These tips are not only great for beginners but also for experienced webmasters as well. Check out these 10 Search Engine Optimization tips and apply them to your site. Remember, search engines are not a magic bullet! But they are a good way to drive extra targeted traffic to your site. Getting to the top of any search engine doesn't happen overnight it takes time, patience and hard work.

1.) Great Content

If you spend all your time worrying about ways to get traffic and no time spent working on content your site will never get any where. If your content is good people will voluntarily give you non-reciprocal links. SEO, traffic techniques and every thing else is secondary, your content is why people come to your site. Even if you do a great job getting people through the door, if your content is bad they wont come back.

2.) "Link to Us" and "Add a Link"

Create a "Link to Us" and "Add a Link" page and add them to your site map. This lets other webmasters who may visit your site know that your are open to link exchanges. Also, you want to make it as easy as possible for other people to link to your site. For your link to us page you should give people numerous options ranging from images to text. Give them the HTML code to copy and paste into their site. You should not iclude codes for images that are on your server, this uses up a lot of bandwidth and can even screw up your website stats by showing more unique IP's than have actually come to your site. Instead display the image and tell people to right click, save as, then upload to their own server.

3.) Links, Links, and More Links

All search engines take into account how many links are pointing to your site on other pages. You should avoid indiscriminate linking to other sites in unrelated fields as well as linking to sites that aren't indexed in Google, as they may have been penalized and could get your site penalized too. The best way to get back links is to visit sites with a similar topic, look for a "link to us" or similar page, then look for any contact information for that site. Place their links on your page first, then contact the webmaster of the other site telling them you would like to do a link exchange and where they can find their link on your site. Then ask for a reciprocal link and give them your link info. You should avoid sending your link info in html format because some webmasters don't like that. Instead tell them your page TITLE, URL, and DESCRIPTION

4.) Don't Optimize the Wrong Keywords

Your probably thinking that the more times a keyword is searched for the better it is to optimize for that keyword. WRONG! In fact its just about the opposite of that. If you are a new page with little or no page rank its going to be hard to show up for high competition keywords. The best way to decide which keywords to optimize is to divide the number of times that that phrase is searched for by the number of pages that show up for that search on Google. This gives you the search to results ratio. The higher the ratio the better off you are optimizing for that keyword or keyword phrase. - a free software that tells you how often keywords are searched for.

5.) Use a different page title than your URL (homepage only!)

If your homepage URL is "" you are almost 100% guaranteed to show up as the #1 result for the search "All About Horse Racing". So why would you want to make that your page title too? If you make your page title "Horse Racing Strategies" you will probably show up for that search as well. Make your page title the exact search phrase you want to show up for. This only works well for your home page, for sub-domains it is a good idea to have your sub domain URL and your page title the same keyword phrase.

6.) Use description meta tags with keyword phrases you want to show up for

In your description meta tag you should use key words and key word phrases you would like to show up for. Your description meta tag and your page title is what a potential visitor sees at search engines.

7.) Use h1, h2, and h3 tags

These tags let search engines know what your most important keywords are. h1 is for your main keywords. h2 and h3 are for your secondary keywords.

8.) Keywords in Unexpected Places

Did you know that search engines don't only look at the content of your pages for keywords. They also look at your URL, and names of files in your site. Since search engines can't tell what's in an image on your site they rely on its alt tag and file name. You can use ANY image for this. Also, put keywords in your URL. All words in URLs and file names should-be-separated-by-dashes.

9.) First and Last Words

Add your desired keyword phrase (only 1 per page!) to the very beginning and end of your page. You are more likely to show up for your desired search phrase if you add it to the beginning and end of your page.


10.) Bold, Underline, Italicize

Out of all the places you can put keywords you can also make certain words or phrases stick out to search engines by emboldening, underlining or italicizing them. However, don't overdo it. You should not 'keyword stuff'. Way back when search engines were just starting, they used to only look at how often a keyword phrase was repeated in a page. A lot of pages climbed to the top of the search engines by just repeating the same words over and over. Search engines have long since changed their tactics, now you may even be penalized for "keyword stuffing", so don't overdo it.

11.) Bonus! Check out the Free Webmaster Tools Section of My Site

A list of very useful free sites that webmasters can use to improve their sites ranking and traffic. Back link generators, meta tag generators, robots.txt generators, html error repair, google sitemap generator and much more!

This article may be freely distributed ONLY if none of the contents are changed. Including the 11th bonus tip, all links, author credits, and this disclaimer. It may only be distributed for free, you may not charge for this article.

What Is Google Sandbox And How To Avoid Sandbox Effect?

Google Sandbox is the latest buzz among the webmasters. There is still no official confirmation from google whether such a thing exists or not. The sandbox effect started when google released an update couple of years ago. Sandbox is the biggest worry for new websites.

The sandbox effect is a theory that newly created websites are placed in sandbox rather than in the index of google until such time is deemed appropriate before a ranking can commence. This means that the newly created websites will not rank for highly competitive keywords until a specific period of time around 9 months. Not all the sites go into sandbox. There are many sites that escape from sandbox and get into google index within a week. It all depends on the keyword it targets and the quality of content and inbound links.

Matt Cutts works for quality group in google, specializing in search engine optimizing related issues. Matt once said that there isn’t a sandbox, but the algorithm might affect some sites, under some circumstances, in a way that a webmaster would perceive as being sandboxed.

How to avoid the sandbox effect?

Best way to escape from sandbox is to target less competitive keywords. Websites that get into sandbox are sites which target highly competitive keywords. If you target less competitive keywords or long phrases then your chances of getting sandboxed is very less.

Only newly created domains get into sandbox. So try to buy old domains or domains that have recently expired. This is the easiest technique to avoid google sandbox. Now you can even target highly competitive keywords and google will not sandbox you.

There are also other options like the use of sub-domains and deep linking. Try deep linking strategies. This will make your pages rank well even if your site is sandboxed. Try to get links from edu and gov domains. If you do this your site will earn the trust of google and not be sandboxed.

Secret is Out - How Google Ranks Websites

All the secrets and information is about to be unleashed. The mystery is over and the secrets are open to showing you how your website is ranked through Google

Links have always played a significance in determining sites value. Links pointing towards your site help evaluate the value of a document. The more links pointing towards something of significance is shown as a greater value. Though, search engines continue to add some additional standards to always keep ahead of the game.

In the precise years, the amount of incoming traffic or links have reached higher results, but a additional twist has been rather or not the incoming traffic is quality and benefit searchers. This kind of action was becoming very popular, with a lot of black hat seo tricks which made it harder for searchers to find what they were looking for. And the end result was poor quality for search engines.

Due to this kind of action, a trend of long lastly domain names and sites playing more of a factor in quality and links. Search engines have picked up on this idea, and are starting to track the age of a not only a domain, but always so what content the site holds. This factor is stop the idea of building a website one day, and the next day to have hundreds of links the next. Search Engines are looking for more natural link building instead of automatic computer generated links.

The idea of age with the mix of lasting good quality history of content and links are helping fight against the spam sites. Spam sites can be built in seconds with hundreds of links, and could be up and running fine one day and the next day they are completely gone. The less life or age of a site that has been up and running on the Internet is not very interesting to the search engines these days.

Search engines are monitoring how long the site has been up and running, the quality of good content, is it helping people information that they are looking for, and the process of adding valued links. Over time and as your website grows you will also want to continue building different titles for your links.

Over time search engines will frown upon the same old text in a link. The idea behind this is the fact that no no is actually adding or changing new titled links. For example, hotel rooms is repeated over and over, and is not changed over time this will decrease. Search engines are looking for the new and fresh content, so the idea of changing titles or link anchors is highly recommended through the years. Ideally, it's suggested to add keywords and keyword titles in your link anchors using some of the 5 -7 keywords. This helps keep clean, focused traffic and ranking.

So for the keyword hotel rooms we could add other keyword titles such as: * cheap hotels
* discount hotels
* hotel reservations
* hotel rates
* hotel deals

This helps keep things focused on hotels and hotel rooms while adding a great mix of different keyword titles. To be successful these days and at the top of search engines you must stop thinking today of instant links, link spam, and creating instant traffic and start thinking long term slow building process.

Major Roles are Still Niche of Keywords

The placing of keywords through out quality content is the best way to go. Picking the proper keywords to be placed on your pages, links, and tags are still a very vital play in your websites success. Again, freshness is mostly what search engines update so with this in mind continue to check and change keywords throughout your site. It has been suggested by several search engines that 5% to 7% keyword density per page. Also, don't get to many keywords per page, it's all about targeting and focus one or two similar keywords.

Continue to Update Regularly

The question here is when was that last time your site has been updated or changed? If the answer is over a month than you have your work cut of for you. The original idea again is long term process, so it's not making site with all this content from the start and just letting it sit and do nothing. It's slowly adding and building information over time.

The search engines are looking for a website that is fresh and that will stay fresh. So for example you update your site with 20 new pages at the beginning of every month, but don't touch until next month. This type of behavior is picked up by the search engines and may not be keep your site stable. Though, where a site is adding content on a weekly or daily and is keeping content steadily coming this could be seen by search engines as stable. Slow and steady wins over the search engines.

Experts have stated in the past that trying new keywords or updated content goes a lot farther than hit or miss changes to your website. Put yourself in a Internet user, do you continue to visit the page that never changes are you visiting the sites that update with news, information, and etc. Which one do you feel is more appealing to visitors and search engines? Though, the idea of updating and changing your old pages makes it fleshing to your visitors.

Now don't get us wrong and go changing all your old out dated website pages. While your website is drawing pretty good traffic and continues to increase that's a great sign that your doing the right thing. What's not broke don't fix it. Though, if you have notices this page or that page slow decreasing than it might be time to do some keyword adjusting or a fresh update.

Domain Age

This is a new and fresh idea that domain age is becoming more appealing to search engines. The idea is coming from long, quality, process of building a great site.

Search engines are looking and liking more and more consistency even in the domain name. With this suggest don't be completely afraid to change your websites domain name. Though note that this is a new factor that search engines are going to be looking for more. Also, look into special rates of long term domain registration, and this could save you some money as well. Lastly, note that changing hosting has no effort on any search engine ranking or anything.

Word Press Tip

Here are two easy and piratical ways of building quality links while using word press.

1.) Link to Me Text box plug in - this is a simple word press plug in which gives visitors the option to link to your website, this is a great way to get you more links and even higher ranking in the search engines.

2.) Setup Links Manager so that your blog roll links will change. That's right, this is a simple step to take in adding uniqueness to your blogs. Adding these two features on your word press blog will continue to build that process towards link building that the search engines are looking for.


CTR or click through rate, plays another aspect of what search engines record and add into the overall ranking of your website. To fully understand CTR is number of times visitors actually click through to your website. This type of information or the CTR helps determine how you come to visit the website. Meaning did the current visitor type in a keyword from a search engine and than click to your website, or was it from a link from another site, or etc. Also, CTR is always looking for new and fresh content and what is being visited the most.

Visitors Behavior, Traffic Record, and YourselfVisitors coming back around or not are always checked. Search engines are always checking how much time is spent on your website, where did your visitors come from, are your visitors clicking through sites or ads, and bookmarking your site. Along with what popular searches or keywords are your visitors typing in to come to your website.

Traffic is recorded telling search engines which websites and pages are drawing your visitors.

But “yourself” also plays a key role in determining how successful your website will be towards the search engines. For examples, does the site information match up to the information that you added on the domain registration? The geographic of our site could help your focus target.

Have you ever had or checked into making sure your IP host address is safe and not being shared with any slammers. That's right, more more slammers are coming along and if they happen to be on your IP host address this could penalize your site as well.

Looking professional is a must in aspects of spelling, grammar, organization, and good solid code or CSS design are all a must for success.

What's Hot and What's Not

Search Engines are becoming smarter and smarter, and now even following what's hot and what's not in our culture, our searches, and etc. Such as, What's Hot right now is "American Idol" and yes still "Sanjaya", or it's now currently the NBA playoffs. Though these are only fads or trends in our culture. So if your website is dealing with spring or summer fads or treads, note that come winter your site could be a little slower. Yet, incorporating keywords that will add quality to your site, and are of trend or fad could add popularity and character to your website, but just don't over do it and keep them up to date with current trends.

Five Tips for SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a topic that people take very seriously. Good SEO techniques can generate nice profits for the web site owner, while poor techniques can create a web site that earns little or no income. Below are five tips that will help web site owners boost their search engine ranks.

1.) There are many ways to code a web site, but every web site should take advantage of techniques that promote good SEO. Among these things are placing a robots.txt file in the root directory of the web site, title phrases that describe the content of the pages, header tags, meta tags, and using the alt keyword appropriately (alt = “picture description here”).

2.) When coding hyperlinks, use descriptive words and or phrases as the link text. This helps the search engine better understand what the link links to, and provides a nice map to the related content.

3.) Create a site map for the web site. By including a site map, the search engine has a map of where the content is and what the content is about. This makes it much easier on the search engine when caching the web site.

4.) Keep content fresh. Search engines love fresh and unique content. Keeping content fresh ensures that the search engine won’t think the web site is outdated or abandoned.

5.) Use link exchanges in moderation. Using link exchanges allows for the web site to gain valuable incoming-links. These links in turn help the web site get cached.

Although the above tips have been around awhile, web designers and owners often forget about them. By keeping these tips fresh in the mind at all times, the web site owner can be assured that they will have a web site that is an earner and instead of an alligator.

How To Make SEO And Copywriting Coexist On The Same Page

Making Copywriting and Search Engine Optimization Coexist

When it comes to making sales on the Internet, it seems that copywriters and search engine optimization experts are always at odds with each other.

You see, one group wants the salesletter to be absolutely perfect to make maximum sales, and the other group wants the page to be optimized perfectly for the search engines to send free traffic their way.

I remember my first experience with a search engine optimization firm. I had a site that was designed to sell sunglasses, and I’d just finished writing all the salesletter for the different types of sunglasses available. At the time pay per click advertising was a brand new concept, so I wasn’t using it. I wanted to get the free search engine traffic available from sites like Yahoo and Google, so I hired some SEO experts to make my site perform better in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). I gave them access to all my pages so they could optimize everything as necessary.

When they got done my website was properly optimized, but my well crafted salesletters were a complete mess. My writing no longer flowed nicely, my headlines now sucked, and there were a lot of erroneous words all over the place on my pages. However, the pages did perform better in the search engines.

However, I was not satisfied with better performing pages if it meant I couldn’t sell my visitors anything due to the fact that my salesletters weren’t very good. It was at this point that I fired the firm that I hired and vowed to learn how to do the search engine optimization myself, and I was going to make the search engines like my pages while still preserving the integrity of the salesletter.

The first thing I did was go back and redo the salesletters again. I looked at what the firm I hired tried to leave in certain keywords or phrases, but I made them seamlessly blend into the salesletter.

Then as I started to learn more about search engine optimization myself, I started to learn about the importance of having links pointing to my website. So I went out and started to find people who would link to my site.

I frequently tweaked my sales pages, but I always made sure that they made perfect sense to my visitors.

Good copywriting and well optimized pages do exist, especially these days. Here is my checklist for making both work together:

  • Write your salesletter as you normally would.
  • Get links to your salesletter with the links containing the anchor text you want your site to rank well for
  • Make sure the key phrase is mentioned somewhere in the salesletter, but ignore ideas like keyword density.
  • Make sure your title tag contains the keyword you want to rank well for.
  • Update your salesletter frequently (you should always be testing your salesletter anyway)
  • If your entire website is just the salesletter, add a blog to the site to give you site more content, as all the search engines like to see a website add new content over time.
The most important item on the list is the links. So if you’re not going to spend time getting quality links pointing to your website, then don’t waste your time optimizing your salesletter for the search engines.

Keep Your Web Site Content Fresh for Great SEO

In the World of billions of websites, it’s getting harder and harder to keep your website in the free search listings of major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The search engine algorithms are looking for fresh new content as part of their total evaluation of your website. So not only do you need tons of quality back links, a good website history, and continuous monthly traffic you need to update your content at least once a week to keep your site relevant.

How do I add fresh content to my site and make it usable to my visitors you ask. Keep your customers up to date with new products, product specials, and latest business news; highlight an employee of the month. Update your website home page with what you think is relevant that will keep you visitors interested as well ass feed the search engines fresh relevant content.

Make sure to optimize this content to target the keywords you are seeking to place high in the free search engine results with. Keeping your content fresh will create a habit of putting more effort into fine tuning your website which can only help you ROI in the long term.

Consider adding rss news feeds to your site, when you update your news, it will go out to your subscriber list as well as post fresh content to your site. There are lots of articles on adding RSS feed script to your website.

So what are you waiting for? Get creative and give you customer’s news they can use.

Search Engine Optimization – How to Outrank the Top Ten I

Here are the steps for evaluating your competition and what you need to do to out rank them in google:

1) Type in your keyword, in “quotes”, your google search window.

2) Perform the following steps of analysis on each of the top ten results for your keyword.

a) Check the number of inbound links using this command in the yahoo search engine:


If the web site domain name has dashes with in it, like this:, use:


The reason you are going to use the yahoo search engine for this step is that for competitive reasons google does not show all the inbound links in their searches. Although this will not be exactly what google will take into account, it is a close approximation, and as long as you optimize your web site with the same parameter in mind, you will get comparable results.

b) Check the anchor text on the inbound links for each web site. There are two ways to do this: click through to each of the web sites which are linking to the domain name you just checked, and you can see the text anchor link itself, or you can use a backlink checking tool.

I have compiled a list here of a few backlink checkers:

To find more, just google ‘backlink checker’ and you should come up with a list of a few more.

c) Check the pagerank of each of the web sites that are on that top ten results page. I like to use:

Once again, by searching for “pagerank checker” in google or yahoo, you should be able to come up with a list of a few more that you can use.

Now that you have these three crucial pieces of information about each site, you can assemble a pretty good picture of what your linking structure should look like to break into the top ten, and also to dominate it.

Many times the results of this research will not be clear cut, and it may appear that one or more sites is wrongly ranked – and that may be the case.

In addition, you can also take steps to determine the on-page optimization and beat it.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘

How to Use Directories To Improve Traffic To Your Website

I think that a lot of people get into the mindset that building traffic and links to your site is always best done by the latest and greatest new method or software.

They neglect a lot of the “old school” methods of building links in favor of the “flavor of the week” method of building links.

One of the most neglected methods I see is using directory submissions.


Well, this is very much and old school method and it does take some time and work to do well. Also, there isn’t a lot of money in the directory business, so it tends to not be in the limelight when people talk about how to build one way links to a website.

That’s really unfortunate because using directories can be a great way to improve your search engine rankings.

First of all, with just about all directories you get a one way link to your website. Some directories will want you to pay, and for really popular directories, the fee is worth it, but there are literally thousands of directories that you can submit your site to for free. So if you want a way to build links to your site for free, try this one out.

I try not to get too hung up on Google Pagerank, but for a lot of people, having a higher Pagerank not only means better search engine rankings, but it’s simply a matter of pride. Getting links from directories can be an easy way to boost your Pagerank up a notch or two.

Getting in the higher quality directories can also help you get a better Trustrank score with Google. This is one of the algorithms that Google uses to rank your site, and it’s especially important if you want to rank well for competitive terms. While most directories won’t help you get a better Trustrank score, the best ones certainly seem to (Google never says which sites are in their list of “trusted” sites). I’d recommend getting yourself a Yahoo Directory listing and trying for a DMOZ listing until you get one.

And while you’re not going to get rich off of traffic from the directories directly, you can get a nice little stream of traffic flowing into you site from directories if you are consistent and keep getting your site in more and more directories over time.

So if you want better search engine rankings and more traffic to your website, then be sure to add directory submissions to your war chest of link building methods.

Some Tips to Be Indexed in Google

On internet marketing and SEO are some myths about how to be indexed by Google faster, and easier; some are facts, other are just myths, I will try to write some tips to help you in order to be indexed by Google.

The first thing you need to be sure before try to submit your website to Google, it’s to be fully optimized in order to make the process easiest to be found by the spiders.

The next step its do add some content to your site, the content need to be fresh, original, unique and of course the content will contain the keywords you already choose for your website.

Then I recommend to have ready to be add to your site at least other 10 or 15 articles, in order to assure new content the next days, and Google can check the content was already updated in regular basis. Try to add the content 3 times a day in different hours in order to attract Google’s spiders, if your site it’s a blog, add the content and make a ping immediately.

Out there some rumors are running about if you submit your website directly to Google, the indexed process will be lasting forever or at least will take a lot of time, but I don’t think this it’s true, because Google it’s asking about it, I suppose if they don’t want to index sites by this method they delete the option from their own system.

I use the service and work very well, because I do it with a Blog, the blogs are so much easier to be listed, because you can publish new content instantly and can make pings and social bookmarks in just seconds.

Google loves blogs, because as I say before, you can add content instantly, receive comments in minutes (the comments are taken as more content) and you can have more incoming links from social bookmarks, the blogs are updated in regular basis more easily than an html website, you can add great plugins to help you in all these tasks, and make it correctly, easiest and faster.

Of course if you have another website with good traffic and a good PR you can make a link to your new website and then the spider will notice your site in less time.

If your website is not a blog, you can buy a link from any links for sale service, you can buy or request to link for you to any website with a 5 PR or higher and you will be listed by Google faster, you can request or buy the link for a month and you will be listed in less than this time, and off course you can get traffic from that link too.

Another Google’s index myth is you need to hire some professional service in order to do it faster, I do this one time and don’t work for me, the company offer to be indexed in 20 days or my money back, my site was not indexed and they return my money, they tell me my site was not indexed because the domain was banned by Google, I really don’t believe this excuse and I continue working with my site, 2 months latter I was indexed for my self, I think I just lost my time with this service, that was the domain I last more to be indexed, my next websites was indexed in days, not months.

One more myth is if you add Adsense to your site, Google will ignore your site or delay the index process, I don’t think so, my 3 last websites was indexed within days and all of them include Adsense blocks working and making me earn money.

Another myth its about you need to be indexed in Dmoz before to be indexed on Google, that’s not true, right now Dmoz are taking so much time only to review your site and admitted than Google do it without Dmoz..

As you can see, there are so many theories about Google index process, but the key to do it is with a fully optimized website and good, fresh and unique content.

5 Smart Ways to Improve Page Rankings - Part 1

The majority of todays experts agree that web pages have to be search engine friendly to improve your search engine rankings. You must start with a well designed page with relevant web copy. This is crucial. Doing this properly will help the search engines easily index your web pages and rank them high.

In addition to internal page factors such as frequency and positioning of relevant keyword phrases, the leading search engines are now recommending that you place more importance on off the page factors, particularly links from other domains.

If you are bent on working with Google then you need to understand that Google ranks individual urls based on which other urls link to them, which urls link to those and so on.

You must carefully choose the terms you want to use to include as the most productive search terms for your site. Consider carefully terms that associate with the correct targeted visitors for your site. Place these terms in the search engines and find out what pages rank near the top for them. These pages should be on your list if you want to link to them.

Once you've completed this step now find which pages are linked to these sites and put them on your list as well. If you are able to get links from any of these sites then you will be able to dramatically improve your ranking on Google and other search engines.

In summary here are the key steps to always follow:

  • Improve your Link Popularity
  • Carefully consider your Metatags and Keywords/Phrases
  • Write a persuasive Home Page
  • Use Clickthroughs and Affiliate Programs for better ranking
  • Submit a Site Map

Optimizing Your Website For Local Searchers

Most website owners optimize their website for targeted keyword phrases but many miss out on one of the most effective methods of website optimization - local search optimization. Basically, this involves adding keywords targeted to your local region, city, town or area to your website optimization plan. You'll have the added benefit of less competition for localized keywords and phrases since you will only be competing against local competitors, as opposed to worldwide competitors when you optimize your website for general keyword phrases.

Local search optimization can be especially effective for local businesses with a website who also have a brick and mortar store or office. Many searchers, when looking to buy services, will type in their town, city name, county or state name or abbreviation before or after a keyword. For instance, Alice Green from Long Beach, California, is looking for contractors in her area to give her estimates on remodeling her bathroom. Alice goes to Google and types in "long beach contractors" or "contractors long beach california". She may also use her region, for example, "southern california contractors" or "contractors los angeles county". As you can see, there are many possible opportunities for local search optimization.

Here are some tips to help you optimize your site for local searchers:

  • Research your keyword phrases carefully and don't forget to consider the city, state, town, region, county, neighborhood, zip code, area code and even local larger cities and towns in the area.
  • Once you have your local keywords, put them in front of or after your general keywords, like this:
    • long beach contractors
    • los angeles contractors
    • southern california contractors
    • los angeles county contractors
    • contractors orange county
    • contractors 90745

  • Consider including singulars and plurals as well as common misspellings.
  • Use free online keyword research tools to build and refine your keyword list and to make sure you are targeting phrases that actually get searched on a regular basis. It's a waste of time to target phrases that no one uses.
  • Add the local search phrases to your site by adding them to your page title, file names, links, alternate image text and, most importantly, integrating them into your text content on the page.
  • For online businesses that don't have a brick and mortar counterpart, create a special area on your site just for local searchers and optimize those pages for those customers.
  • For online businesses with a brick and mortar store or office, don't forget to place your phone number and address prominently on your website, so local searchers can contact you easily.
  • Be sure you are listed on all local search engines, directories and yellow pages for your area. Almost every state has one or more state search engines. Many local areas have their own directories as well.
  • When submitting to the Yahoo Directory or, be sure to submit to their regional categories.
  • Lastly, try to obtain links from other local businesses, visit your local Chamber Of Commerce or their website for help.

Optimizing your website for local searchers is an excellent way to promote your website and it should be a part of most webmaster's promotion campaigns.

Meta Tags Optimization

It would be unwise to leave out Meta keyword tags or Meta description tags from your web page even though these are not the main factors that search engines employ when ranking your site. The meta description tag supplies a brief as well as concise summary of the contents of your web page while the meta keyword tag supplies a summary list of the words on your web page that are of much importance. Both of these forms of Meta tags help in making it easy to use the Web.

It has become quite common for webmasters to abuse the use of Meta tags in order to get higher search engine rankings. This is unfortunate and has led search engines to alter the emphasis given in their algorithms when ranking websites. It is thus important for you to know how to write proper Meta tags that you get the very best and legal search engine rankings.

When writing Meta description tags it is essential for you to not use more than one hundred and seventy characters and the content that you use must conform to that one on your web page. There are different sources available to guide you in writing proper Meta description tags including LookSmart, and Open Directory. You really should have your description stick closely to W3C standards and the description should be closely related to the content on your web page.

Also take care when writing Meta keyword tags to include those words that will be present on the web page since its purpose is to provide summary of the important keywords present on your Website page or document. It is also possible to use Meta tag generators to simplify as well as build useful Meta tags for your Website and thus gets higher search engine rankings. However keep in mind that these Meta Tag generators will never outperform a professional search engine optimization consultant.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to Search Engine Marketing Success. Discover The *Secret Formula* We've Used To Stay In Google's Top 3 Rankings For Over 3 Years For Some Of The Toughest Keywords Around (18 MILLION Competitors!)

Search Engine Optimization Technique of Choice

Search Engine Optimization is the technique of ranking a web page or site high in the free search engines listings.

The Search Engine Optimization effort involves optimizing the various tags in the html such as the title tag, headers, alt tags, anchor text, keywords and more.

There are onsite and offsite Search Engine Optimization that both play a big part in your SEO endeavor.

Onsite refers to the tags describe above as well as the content, navigation, and many other factors.

Offsite refers to links from other sites pointing to yours. For some search engines this can also include how many visitors you receive, how they click on various links and more.

You can tune up your website by using keyword research, key phrase placement in your Meta tags and content, and the application of special formatting such as headers, bold and bullets.

Besides online optimization, you also want to do offline optimization. This will include regular practices such as submitting to directories, writing press releases, submitting articles, and getting other links pointing back to your site.

White Hat SEO is optimizing your web pages in an ethical way so that they rank better in the search engines.

Black Hat SEO is using tricky and unethical practices to try and get higher rankings.

The search engine understandably doesn't like Black Hat techniques. Be sure to only use the white hat techniques.

Some people strongly think that Pay-per-click may lead to a quicker conversion rate and earn them money more quickly. There is a place for paid advertising, but you are missing out on a potentially broad audience who trusts a site more that is perceived as relevant but doesn't have to pay for promoting. Search Engine Optimization is vital for your website. You can save a lot of capital by not having to rely entirely on paid advertising, and you eventually reach a wider audience.

If you are considering entering the world of Internet Marketing and making money online, you want to understand how Search Engine Optimization works, otherwise you will not know how to make your site seen by your target audience. Even if you end up outsourcing all or part of your SEO activities, a working knowledge of SEO will help you decide if the company or individuals you are working with is reputable.

Some people believe that SEO is difficult and being ranked well by search engines is near impossible. That's not true. Anyone can vastly improve their position in search engines. It's not very difficult. You just have to know what to do and apply it. To make a search engine positioning campaign worthwhile, however, you must have the right information The dynamic nature of the Internet means that various kinds of listings are displayed in search engines result pages, which mainly include pay per click advertisements, paid inclusion listings and organic search results. SEO focus on advancing the goals of a website by improving the number and position of its organic search results for a wide variety of relevant keywords.

Finding Keywords

The purpose of searching keywords is to find out the exact phrases that are requested by people in the searches carried in the major search engines. If your website has the relevant information about the most searched terms and keywords, your website would be rated higher by the major search engines. The entire process of improving search engine ranking for a website is a wide process and is called search engine optimization. Finding keywords is one of the most important parts of search engine optimization.

To start the keyword search for your website, make a list of the keywords related to your website. You can easily find the keywords by using online keyword services. One popular keyword service provider on the web is word tracker. Using word tracker tools and services, all you have to do is to type a keyword and wait for the list to appear on the computer screen. And you will you have a direct access to hundreds of keywords related to the keyword you have typed in the box.

For instance: your website is a website that markets and promotes skin products. Type the word “skin” and you will have all the top keywords related to skin. The keywords will be something like: skin care, oily skin, skin diseases, skin products, animal skin and so on.

Now you have to select the relevant keywords for your website. You cannot choose animal skin for your site which caters specifically to the human skin cosmetics and skin care. Yes you can include the keywords like skin care, skin cream, dry skin, oily skin and many others.

You have a number of keyword services and tools that can help you find the most searched keywords for your website. While you select the keyword with the help of these tools, you will also come to know how many number of times the keyword has been searched on the internet.

Let us go back to skin example: suppose you select dry skin, you can also track the exact number of times “dry skin” has been searched on the internet. The number can be some thousand times. In case you choose “dry skin type”, the number of searches can be less. So, you are suggested to select the keyword with a higher search count first.

Another tricky method of finding keywords is to keep an eye on your competitors. Look at the meta-tags of your competitors’ website. The meta-tags are a good source of significant keywords. You can also seek help from your customers regarding the keywords they use in their search.

Having a weblog page in your website is also helpful in tracking the keywords. Each weblog page has a link which shows the keywords being used to search your page. Once you have the right keywords in hand, you can hit the market with the most relevant and desired information on your website.

Manual Link Building

Link building is one of the most essential parts of internet marketing and search engine optimisation. By gaining links to your site you will see your rankings increase, which will naturally bring you more traffic. There are many different ways of gaining links but the most effective ones are one-way links from web sites or directories that have relevant content.

The operative word in the title of this article is “MANUAL”. People try to trick and get round the search engines by using automated software but at the end of the day the search engines make the rules and we have to follow them. By gaining good links manually you will ensure that they are all submitted correctly and at a steady pace. When link building, if you gain too many links to quickly then link based search engines will see this and dismiss the links to your site deeming them worthless which is a waste of your time and money.

Web directories

This is the best way to gain a base to your link building campaign helping you get your site cached faster, giving you initial traffic and links. This takes some time to do and unless you pay for this to be done all it will cost you is time. You can submit your link to directories and get good one-way links but don’t forget to put your keywords in the title! This will help you gain rankings with less popular keywords and give you the foundations for ranking with competitive keywords or phrases. Web directories are launched and closed all the time so you should constantly check for new search engine friendly directories and ensure you have a constant and increasing amount of links to your site. Also a great benefit of directories is that there are niche directories which you can submit to. The advantage of this is the content and links around your link is more relevant, which can helps give the link more credibility.

Article directories

By submitting articles across the internet with relevant links you can gain some very effective links to your site. The obvious problem with article submission is the amount of time needed to create and submit your article but as with the web directories they dont charge you to submit your articles. There are many companies which will submit manually to the directories for you and give you reports so you can follow your articles. Some article directories allow you to have your keywords in the article linking directly back to your site giving you relevant one way links. In some article directories you can have as many as 3 direct links to your site in your article helping you optimise more than one keyword. Also the directories allow you to put a one-way link in the resource box helping you gain even more links.

Article submissions are very effective because you can dedicate a full page of content around your links, maximising the relevant content. The search engines see the link as very relevant and give it more credibility than just having a link from an unrelated site or a link from a page with a high link ratio compared to the amount content.

Link exchanging

This is a good way for site owners to swap links to gain some extra links and traffic. This can be done by simply having a links page on your web site and advertising the fact you are willing to exchange links. You need to make sure the web sites that are offering to link to you are cached in the search engines and are search engine friendly. You can also join networks between sites which all swap links to help gain better rankings and more traffic. In general the better the sites page ranking you are swapping with the more valuable the link is to you.

However you must remember not to get associated with a network of web sites that regular swap links between themselves because you never know what the search engines have up there sleeves in future updates.

Triangle linking

Triangle linking is a good way of exchanging links but still gain a one way link from a web site. This is achieved by a web site linking to your main site and then having a second site that can link to their site.

However you need to ensure that your 2 web sites are on different IP addresses, do not have duplicate content and are completely unassociated else your second site may be picked up as a gateway or as a duplicate web site, which will potentially ruin your rankings on both your web sites.

Paid links

If you have the budget and need to gain links from web sites that have good PR and traffic then you can purchase search engine friendly one way links from such web sites. By having a site with a higher page rank linking to your site it shows the search engines your site is important enough for good respected sites to link to you hence why it may be worth paying. This is not essential to do as you can gain good links from the other methods discussed. However, if your fighting for a competitive keyword then it may be essential to help you rank near the top.


Link building is an essential part of internet marketing and search engine optimisation. It requires a lot of time, investment, homework and you must get the essentials done first. Make sure your site has clean code and lots of content. Make sure you research your keywords and keyword density within your pages. Research you MetaData but keep it simple, don’t stuff them full of keywords. Only then should you start your link building strategies and only then will you be successful.

Google Search Engine Submission

Search engine submission is definitely the key to build a successful online business. An online business model without an emphasis on search engine rankings would definitely not provide the expected dividends.

The search engine model that’s truly the most successful ever is Google. That’s why its said that if you are able to crack Google and get your website rank high- preferably in the top ten, then your online business is bound to grow vertically.

The way to approach the above foresaid aim (High ranking on Google) can be achieved through proper and planned Google search engine submission. However, the Google search engine algorithms change often and that makes it impossible for an individual to keep track of the same. To make things easy for you are the professionals- the search engine optimizers who are the real masters of the search engine trade.

When you utilize professional search engine submission services, you will not only observe increased traffic to your site, but can also be sure it is targeted traffic. This means that the quality of the traffic to your website will increase, which will in turn lead to increased sales.

It is however pertinent to note here, that, you can expect real returns only if you choose a professional company that has a proven track record. You should look for a company that has professional linking service. As they will be able to link your website to the database of all search engines and directories.

The line between a successful online business and a failure is very thin. In today’s search engine driven market place the difference is nothing but; proper application of search engine optimization tools and the most important one being perfect search engine submission technique.

How to Get Good Search Engine Traffic

The life line of any online business is traffic. The more traffic you can generate to your site, the better would the chances of your business being successful. But since this is what each and every online businessman is trying to achieve, it is not that simple. Another problem that confronts any new online businessman is the budget they operate with. Most to them work on shoe-string budgets and that makes it very much difficult. That is why we are going to have a look at some of the ways in which you can generate traffic without spending money.

One of the most important aspects of generating traffic is making use of search engine optimization. It is the process that gets you good search engine rankings. If you have to sell something online you need to have websites. Online market has come a long way. Its growth has been phenomenal and that is why if you are not present in this market you are making a grave mistake. Internet is fast becoming the best market to sell and purchase products and services.

Search engine optimization is not just about using keywords. It is about using the right keywords, targeted keywords. And what are these targeted keywords? Well, these are the keywords that correspond to your website. You would have to come out with variations of the keywords that relate to your website and then use them on your web pages. All the sub pages must relate closely to the home page.

Targeted SEO

One finding shows that over eighty percent of the people working on the internet use search engines at least once in a week. There is one more interesting finding. Only 20% of these 80% actually reach the third page of the search results. The conclusion is very simple to make. If you want your site to be seen, you need to be in the first three pages of the search engine results.

This means that if you wish to have targeted traffic to your site your website need to be in the first three pages of the search results. This could be achieved with what is called Search Engine Optimization. Let us have a look at some of the SEO tips that could help you achieve this high ranking.

Well, it is all about content! This is the most fundamental and the most important part of SEO. The content that you should put in your site must be relevant to your site and must be keyword rich. The keyword density could be anywhere from five to seven percent. And yes, the content should be useful and not trash.

Next would come, the location of the keywords. The best position would be at the top of the page. The title must also contain the keywords. Then you would have to take care of the Meta Tags and Title Tags. If you have a Meta Tag that has relevant keyword text in it, you are sure to have a better page ranking.

Best Search Engine Optimization

The importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has increased a lot in the recent years. There is one obvious reason behind this importance of SEO. With the popularity of internet increasing manifolds, the number of websites being created is increasing at a furious pace and as a result it is becoming increasingly difficult for any site to be visible to net surfers.

Even if you sell quality products, you won't be able to achieve much online if you don’t pay attention to SEO. After all who has the patience to check to the nth page of the search engine results to have a look at your site? You need to be in the top few pages of the search engine results.

Start with the correct domain name, a domain name that is relevant to your business. It would automatically improve your search engine rankings. Next you would need quality content rich in keywords. These keywords would help search engines find your website. Also pay attention to website design. A better customized website attracts more links to it. Keep in mind the importance of Meta Tags and other similar tags.

But always remember one thing. The most important factor would always be content. There are many who think keyword stuffing would do the trick but in the long run it actually hurts. You need to have quality content including keywords that must be useful to the readers. That would make them repeatedly visit your site giving you the opportunity to sell your products and services.

Building Links for Google Rankings

The focus of your marketing should always be on Google because it controls the most traffic. To this end, building links for Google rankings is a tricky matter.

A simple fact of life, is Google will not rank a new site for six to nine months. This is an automated delay mechanism, so there isn't much you can do about it. If you have a new site, you need to accomplish a lot of link building during this period. The idea is to build as many links to your site, as you can during the first four months. Since you are not going to have rankings anyway, the speed at which you build links is irrelevant.

As you approach the end of the delay period, you need to start taking into account the speed at which you obtain links for your site. In practical terms, you need to slow down. Google is hypersensitive to the speed at which you acquire links. Simply put, the engine will downgrade your site if you are acquiring links too quickly. The reason for this is Google wants to see naturally acquired inbound links.

If you are acquiring the links too quickly, Google will “think” you are going out and buying links or using some other method to falsely acquire links. In general, you should try to build only 20 to 50 links a month depending on the site you have. Some will need more, but most will need to stick to this guideline.

Obviously, this slow pace of link building can take some time. There is no disputing the fact search engine optimization simply takes time. The longer you work at it, the better the results. The first six months or so can be brutal, so make sure to use a pay-per-click platform to generate business in the interim.

Link Building - Search Engine Optimization Golden Key

For anyone who doubts that link building is one of the most important factors in ranking at the top of the search engines, just type the phrase “miserable failure” into Google to see what happens. You will see the president of our nation coming up as number one. I find it very interesting that the words “miserable failure” do not appear a single time on George Bush's site. Why, you may ask, is this so?

This is so from a technique called Google bombing. Google spiders while they go out and index the world wide web, look for quantity and quality and relevance of links pointing to a website. A large group of politically minded astute computer people chose to link the words “miserable failure” to George Bush's site. In turn, they Google bombed him.

This alone is proof that linking is very affective to rank at the top of the search engines. It is a known fact that Google and the Google- bots are constantly surveying the entire net. In this process of surveying, they follow the links to and from almost every site on the internet. Google is currently indexing over 8 billion sites. You can imagine when their spiders and bots are trying to figure out who to put this at the top, they need to be able to use several factors. Linking becomes a democratic process. The more links you get, the more votes for you websites you obtain. The way Google sees it, is that the other websites are willing to link to you, so you must be important! They also look at how important and relevant the sites that link to you are. Therefore, it is not just quantity, it is also quality.

In my articles, I will always give some suggestions on things to avoid, as well as things to do. Two of the worst things to avoid in terms of linking are called link farms and webrings. Linkfarms and webrings are where hundreds and sometimes thousands of websites all agree to link to each other quickly. This is not a natural technique and therefore Google spiders will red flag and sometimes even ban sites from doing well in the rankings.

Attention Website Owners - You DON'T Want Hits To Your Site!

Imagine an internet where you could pay someone you found on EBay, $9.99 and get 10,000 hits to your site. Is that possible? Sure, it happens every day. But guess what, those hits are USELESS! Rub those dollar signs out of your eyes and realize that profitable web traffic is not something you can buy on EBay for under $10; profitable web traffic takes time and effort to acquire.

Experienced web marketers know that it’s not about the number of users that hit your site; it’s about the intent of those users. Ten thousand hits, is nowhere near as valuable as 100 targeted visitors. A targeted visitor has a reason for being at your site. They’re there because they want to get something from your site. That something could be free information, it may be a product review or maybe they’re looking to buy one of those new High Definition TV’s that you stock.

So where’s the best place to get Targeted Visitors?
Search engines of course. A targeted visitor arrives at your site because your site was “recommended” by a search engine. That “recommendation” creates a very subtle picture within your users mind that your site is an authority on the topic that they’re interested in. That “recommendation” pre-sells the visitor to what you have to offer. With traffic like this your job is to not disappoint the visitor. They’re looking for something specific; you need to make sure they see it.

So what’s the key to getting targeted traffic?
The key is the keyphrase. The keyphrases you choose to optimize for is what will make or break your SEO efforts. You want to focus on exactly what your potential customer is looking for. Keep in mind, the Internet is NOT like your local mall, where people like to go window shopping for hours on end. No, the typical web surfer wants to get and get out. They want to find what they’re looking for and take action. The keyphrases you select need to reflect that mentality.

The rule of thumb with keyphrase selection is narrow and focused. Targeted visitors are not searching for “Real Estate” they’re searching for “Two Bedroom Condo in South Beach”. See the difference? A targeted visitor is simply further along in the buying process. They’ve probably already done their “window shopping” and now they’re ready to move to the next step.

Keep in mind, the number of people searching for each of these “Long Tail Keyphrases” is low, but there is so many of these phrases and they are so targeted that you probably won’t need that many hits from each one. Just make sure you can supply whatever it is that the visitor is searching for.

Finally, the truly amazing thing about all this is that those “long tail keyphrases” are not only more profitable, they’re easier to optimize for. You see, there’s just less competition. Fewer people competing against you mean it’s quicker and easier to rank well for those phrases. So don’t get bogged down with the number of “hits” to your site. Focus on getting targeted visitors and you’ll be fine.

5 Smart Ways to Improve Page Rankings - Part 2

As I mentioned in part 1 here are the key steps to always follow when trying to improve your page ranking:

  • Improve your Link Popularity
  • Carefully consider your Metatags and Keywords/Phrases
  • Write a persuasive Home Page
  • Use Clickthroughs and Affiliate Programs for better ranking
  • Submit a Site Map
If you want to improve your sites visibility in regards to the search engines then you need to improve your link popularity. You first need to determine your link popularity. There are 2 reasons for this. The first is that your link popularity will improve your ranking on all crawler based search engines. Remember, spiders crawl from one webpage to another through links. The second reason is that search engines give websites with good inbound and outbound links a higher ranking. This makes sense simply because they figure that if your are referring visitors to other material then you must be providing a valuable service. And other sites are referring to you then you must have something of value to offer.

Meta tags are not the complete answer but they may help you with some search engines, so you should give them a great deal of consideration. Your Meta Tags provide valuable information that is not seen by your viewers. The Meta information found in the "head" area of your web pages is used to communicate information that a human visitor may not be concerned with.

The Title Tag is probably the most important and should be carefully handled. It is extremely important because it is often the first one indexed and is given a higher weighting in the relevance rankings. Remember to keep it short and make sure the tag has material that is relevant to the keywords used during the search.

Writing a strong homepage is a real challenge even for seasoned for webmasters. Understandably, if you have put a lot of thought and effort in writing your home you may be hesitant to rewrite it. But remember, making it the best for your visitors is one thing, but is it the best for for the search engines in terms of how your site will rank?

Remember that a powerfully optimized homepage will please both the search engines and your prospects. You 'll know that you've hit the mark when you start converting a high percentage of your visitors. To be powerful and effective your homepage should have at least 300 - 400 words for maximum effectiveness. One way to do that is to increase your word count with more value-added content. This often means having to rewrite your homepage.

Writing a powerful and effective homepage around carefully selected keywords and key phrases is probably the best way you can drive targeted traffic to your site (see for a great example). Some people will tell you that re-writing takes too much time and is too expensive...well, think of the cost of losing prospective clients, lost sales and opportunities.

Using affiliate programs for optimization has plenty of people for and against it. I feel that if you take the time to carefully set up your affiliate program then it certainly won't hurt you. Typically this type of program involves site that send you traffic and visitors and are paid on the number of clicks or some other parameter. Be sure to use tracking software to monitor clicks using a redirection measurement system.

One final tip...prepare a crawler page or pages to submit to the search engines. This page should have no text or content, only links to all the important pages that you want to have crawled. When the spider reaches this page it will crawl to all the links and pull in all the information on these pages into its index.

Following these tried and true steps will only lead to good results. There is nothing magical about them. It just plain hard work that anyone can do and it produces real results.

Can Your Seo Company Live Up To Your Expectations?

SEO ball game has taken quite a drastic change, how confident an SEO company is now guaranteeing you Top 10 ranking depends largely on the optimization strategy that a company adopts and has expertise in. The spectrum of the new skill sets required by seo companies is increasing along with the requirement of specialized SEO's who can foresee the growing trends and carve a good seo strategy for your campaign.

Over a couples of months the changing scenarios have given SEO a whole new perspective in terms of the strategy and skill sets that a company must possess to successfully market a website on the all search engines.

SEO is now to be dealt with more skill and care than a year back with over lapping SEO strategies to achieve positioning results. A company must be aware of the various mediums which needs to be harnessed to keep ahead of the competitors. A variety of new terms have surfaced for instance:

  • Articles writing and submission services
  • Online press release creation and submission
  • Social media optimization and marketing
  • Viral marketing
  • Latent semantic indexing etc.

The point is not about knowing that these terms exist, the point lies in whether the company has the skill sets and the team to carry out these optimization activities successfully.

These issues can make all the difference in a successful and a dead SEO campaign. So its becomes important that before you choose a company for your SEO campaign take a close look at the various facets of the seo game.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) And Why Quality Content Matters

The purpose of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is to increase the amount of free targeted traffic your website receives.

When you have your site indexed in the search engines, that is only just the start.

Now you know the search engine knows about your website, and then then the next step is you want your website to appear high up for your target audience in the search results.

The best way to think about this is NOT “how do I manipulate the search engine to show my site above others”.

Rather, you need to consider:

"How do I make my website the most relevant and appealing website to my target audience?"

"How do I make it easy for them to find my website?"

"Once they are there how do I get them to take the required action?"

In other words, make your website highly valuable.

The reason for this philosophy relates to what the Search Engine is trying to do. Google for example wants to make the websites it indexes the most relevant content possible.

So it would be unreasonable for a scant reprint article, keyword stuffed, machine generated or poorly constructed flea market site to rank well.

Google in particular is getting very fussy. If there is so much content on the web (over 100,000,000 websites at last estimate) then they have the choice to eliminate all but the most useful pages.

Quality content should be a major focus for any web marketer because it is the main reason why your website will fall or fly. The old method of "article scraping" is becoming a bad idea because recycled content is not as valuable as unique content.

What will rank well is a website that is unique in content, clearly laid out, site mapped, easy to navigate and considered of value to others. (One measurement of which is calculated by how many people link to it).

In summary, building great search engine optimized websites requires some planning. You could draft out your website on a sketch pad, whiteboard or use a template prior to building it. You need to plan around your content.

If you “start with the end in mind” you will get faster results. Consider how you can find valuable unique content and you are on the right track.